wildland fires & Natural disasters
A compendium of open data and resources for GIS and academic research.
site: USGS LANDFIRE Program
"The LF Program provides 20+ national geo-spatial layers (e.g. vegetation, fuel, disturbance, etc.), databases, and ecological models that are available to the public for the US and insular areas."
Public LANDFIRE Reference Database - LFRDB consists of vegetation and fuel data from geo-referenced sampling units nationwide
USFS Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA)
USGS National Gap Analysis Program (GAP)
NPS Inventory and Monitoring (I&M)
natural community occurrences
estimates of canopy cover and height per plant taxon
occurrence of exotics plants
biomass estimates of downed woody material
percentage cover and height of shrub and herb layers
canopy base height estimates
Public Events Geodatabase - The LANDFIRE (LF) Public Events Geodatabase used in LF 2008 (LF 1.1.0), LF 2010 (LF 1.2.0), LF 2012 (LF 1.3.0), and LF 2014 (LF 1.4.0) , and LF Remap (LF 2.0.0) production is available and includes up to three feature classes for each geographic area:
Raw & Model Ready Events
natural disturbance and vegetation/fuel treatment data 1999-2016
occurrence of exotic or invasive plant species 1999-2016
Forest Vegetation Simulator Ready Database
FVSRDB contains nationwide FVS analysis ready plot data (StandInit and TreeInit tables)
Disturbance - Disturbance products are developed to help inform updates to LANDFIRE (LF) data to reflect change on the landscape caused by management activities and natural disturbance.
Annual Disturbance
Vegetation Disturbance
Fuel Disturbance
Historical Disturbance
Public Events Geodatabase
Vegetation Transition Magnitude
Forest Vegetation Transitions Database
Non Forest Vegetation Transitions Database
Forest Vegetation Simulator Disturbance Database
Existing Vegetation Type
National Vegetation Classification
Existing Vegetation Cover
Existing Vegetation Height
Biophysical Settings
Biophysical Settings Models and Descriptions
Environmental Site Potential
Modeling Dynamic Fuels with an Index System (MoD-FIS)
LF Reference Database - Vegetation and fuel data
Surface Fuel
13 Anderson Fire Behavior Fuel Models
40 Scott and Burgan Fire Behavior Fuel Models
Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System
Fuel Characteristic Classification System Fuelbeds
Fuel Loading Models
Fuel Disturbance
Canopy Fuel
Forest Canopy Cover
Forest Canopy Height
Forest Canopy Bulk Density
Forest Canopy Base Height
Fuel Vegetation
Fuel Vegetation Type
Fuel Vegetation Cover
Fuel Vegetation Height
Modeling Dynamic Fuels with an Index System (MoD-FIS) - LF uses two indexes of MoD-FIS to account for fuel's seasonal variability which represent current, real-time conditions
Fuel Disturbance - integrated composites of individual disturbance years recoded by disturbance type, disturbance severity, and time since disturbance and screened for non-burnable vegetation to meet fuel transition mapping requirements
Landscape (.LCP) file - a service that provides a multi-band raster format used by wildland fire behavior and fire effect simulation models such as FARSITE and FlamMap
LF Reference Database (LFRDB) - consists of vegetation and fuel data from geo-referenced sampling units nationwide
Fuel Rulesets Database — standalone fuel rulesets database exported from the LF Total Fuel Change Tool
Fire Regime
Historical Fire Frequency and Severity
Fire Regime Groups
Mean Fire Return Interval
Percent Low Severity Fire
Percent Mixed Severity Fire
Percent Replacement Severity Fire
Vegetation Departure
Vegetation condition class
Vegetation Departure
Succession Classes
Topographic - LCP file
Southeast Drought based Fuel Dynamic System
Great Basin/Southwest
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