wildland fires & Natural disasters
A compendium of open data and resources for GIS and academic research.
site: National Wildfire Coordinating Group - NWCG Standards for Geospatial Operations, PMS 936
"The NWCG Standards for Geospatial Operations ensure consistency in the delivery of GIS products and services. They must be adhered to for incident Geographic Information System Specialist (GISS) activities. They focus on the work performed by a GISS to fulfill the GIS needs of the Planning Section of the Incident Management Team and include guidelines, procedures, processes, best practices, specifications, techniques, and methods. Some components of these standards may change more frequently, like the National Incident Feature Services, or be fairly static like the File Naming conventions."
Event Geodatabase
National Incident Feature Services (NIFS)
Directory Structure
File Naming
Map Elements
Map Product Standards
Workflow Guidelines
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