wildland fires & Natural disasters
A compendium of open data and resources for GIS and academic research.
site: Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology BrancH - Weather Data
"The Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch (RAMMB) of NOAA/NESDIS conducts research on the use of satellite data to improve analysis, forecasts and warnings for regional and mesoscale meteorological events. RAMMB is co-located with the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO."
Tropical Imagery
4 km Floaters
1 km Visible and Radar
Large-area Visible/IR2 and Water Vapor
Total Precipitable Water
Synthetic Forecast
Synthetic GOES-R Imagery from Real-Time NSSL 4 km WRF-ARW
Synthetic 6.2 µm
Synthetic 6.95 µm
Synthetic 7.34 µm
Synthetic 8.50 µm
Synthetic 8.50 µm
Synthetic 10.35 µm minus 3.9 µm Fog Product
Synthetic 10.35 µm minus 12.30 µm
Synthetic 8.50 µm minus 10.35 µm
Synthetic 8.50 µm minus 12.30 µm
Central, South America, and the Caribbean
RMTC - Sector 1 - Ch 1 - Visible
RMTC - Sector 1 - Ch 2 - Short Wave
RMTC - Sector 1 - Ch 3 - Water Vapor
RMTC - Sector 1 - Ch 4 - Thermal Infrared
NOAA-20 (JPSS-1) VIIRS Images
DNB Images for Random Granules (Full Width, with embedded polar maps)
VIIRS Day-Night-Band Granule (DNB, 0.5 - 0.9 µm)
I-band Images for Random Granules (full width, with embedded polar maps)
VIIRS Granule (band I01, 0.64 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band I02, 0.86 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band I03, 1.61 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band I04, 3.74 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band I05, 11.45 µm)
M-band Images for Random Granules (full width, with embedded polar maps)
VIIRS Granule (band M01, 0.41 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M02, 0.45 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M03, 0.49 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M04, 0.55 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M05, 0.67 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M06, 0.75 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M07, 0.86 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M08, 1.24 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M09, 1.38 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M10, 1.61 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M11, 2.25 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M12, 3.70 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M13, 4.05 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M14, 8.55 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M15, 10.76 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M16, 12.01 µm)
Suomi NPP VIIRS Images
Image Products for Random Granules
VIIRS Visible Granule (band M5, 0.67 µm)
VIIRS Infrared Granule (band M15, 10.7 µm)
VIIRS Natural-color Granule (R/G/B, band M10/M7/M5, 1.61/0.86/0.67 µm)
VIIRS True-color Granule (R/G/B, band M5/M4/M3, 0.67/0.55/0.49 µm)
VIIRS Natural-color Granule (R/G/B, band I3/I2/I1, 1.61/0.86/0.64 µm)
VIIRS Day-Night-Band Granule (DNB, 0.5 - 0.9 µm)
VIIRS ShortWave Albedo Granule (3.7 µm)
VIIRS LW Split-window Granule (10.7-12 µm)
I-band Images for Random Granules (full width, with embedded world map)
VIIRS Granule (band I01, 0.64 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band I02, 0.86 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band I03, 1.61 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band I04, 3.74 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band I05, 11.45 µm)
M-band Images for Random Granules (full width, with embedded world map)
VIIRS Granule (band M01, 0.41 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M02, 0.45 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M03, 0.49 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M04, 0.55 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M05, 0.67 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M06, 0.75 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M07, 0.86 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M08, 1.24 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M09, 1.38 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M10, 1.61 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M11, 2.25 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M12, 3.70 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M13, 4.05 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M14, 8.55 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M15, 10.76 µm)
VIIRS Granule (band M16, 12.01 µm)
I-band Principal Component Image (PCI) granules (all 5 I-bands are inputs)
VIIRS Granule (I-band PCI-1 of 5)
VIIRS Granule (I-band PCI-2 of 5)
VIIRS Granule (I-band PCI-3 of 5)
VIIRS Granule (I-band PCI-4 of 5)
VIIRS Granule (I-band PCI-5 of 5)
M-band Principal Component Image (PCI) granules (only 14 of the 16 M-bands are inputs, less M6 [bad/saturated], and M13 [improper scaling])
Alaska - Overview Alaska - Aleutian Chain Alaska - Chukchi Sea Alaska - Fairbanks Alaska - Kamchatka Peninsula Alaska - CIRA/CLAVR-x Cloud Products
Cloud Infrared Overview with Flight Routes
Cloud Vertical Cross-section Anchorage – Juneau (Blue)
Cloud Vertical Cross-section <br>Bethel – Anchorage (Cyan)
Cloud Vertical Cross-section Anchorage – Fairbanks (Green)
Cloud Vertical Cross-section Fairbanks – Barrow (Red)
Cloud Vertical Cross-section Ketchikan – Juneau (Violet)
Cloud Vertical Cross-section Dutch Harbor - Anchorage (Orange)
Cloud Vertical Cross-section Nome – Anchorage (Pink)
Cloud Vertical Cross-section Juneau – Fairbanks (Purple)
Central - Texas East - Florida East - Great Lakes East - Gulf of Mexico West - California West - Colorado West - Southwest Sector 1 West - Southwest Sector 2
Cloud Infrared Overview with Flight Routes
Cloud Vertical Cross-section Los Angeles – San Francisco (Blue)
Cloud Vertical Cross-section San Francisco – Seattle (Cyan)
Cloud Vertical Cross-section Seattle – Denver (Green)
Cloud Vertical Cross-section San Francisco – Denver (Red)
Cloud Vertical Cross-section Dallas – Chicago (Violet)
Cloud Vertical Cross-section Chicago - New York (Orange)
Cloud Vertical Cross-section Atlanta – Chicago (Pink)
South America
Southwest Asia
Full Disk Floaters American Samoa Australia Bangladesh Eastern China Eastern Russia Guam Hawaii Indonesia Japan Marshall Islands New Zealand North Pacific Philippines South Pacific Islands Southeast Asia Tropics
Cold Air Aloft
Arctic Overview (NUCAPS)
Alaska (NUCAPS)
Arctic Overview (MIRS)
Alaska (MIRS)
Arctic Overview (GFS)
Alaska (GFS)
Tropopause Pressure
CONUS Tropopause Pressure
Balanced 700-300 mb Omega
CONUS Balanced 700-300 mb Omega
Random Gallery